The Current Context for the Ngāmotu Precinct Development.

New Plymouth has a proud history of visionary ventures – and the Ngāmotu Precinct has all the right ingredients to be the City’s next transformative development.

As It Stands.

Seaport Land Co are one of a chorus of voices calling for Council to rezone the Ngāmotu Precinct for multipurpose use. Mana whenua, residents, local businesspeople, entrepreneurs, elected leaders, community stalwarts and regular folk from all walks of life back reimagining how this, rather neglected, area of New Plymouth could be transformed for the benefit of the entire City and Province.

New Plymouth has the opportunity to join the increasing number of international cities currently capitalising on the value of their coastal assets by creating multiuse precincts around working Ports and industrial hubs. Wellington’s CenterPort and Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, Viaduct Harbour and Commercial and Mechanics Bays have all proven that industrial enterprise can comfortably sit alongside residential accommodation, hospitality and retail businesses, and public recreation facilities. It’s time for New Plymouth to prove our provinces can do it just as well – if not better.
— Rod Marler, Principal, Warren and Mahoney
As Co-owner of G.J. Gardner Taranaki, I am all to aware of the need to have visionary thinking, private investment and great planning to continue to grow and build our city. If there ever has been a time to be united in a vision for our future it’s now. I have a young family and I see this as an opportunity to decide their future and the future generations to come - it excites me, not only as a business owner in Taranaki but a legacy to the way Ngāmotu and its people can thrive again. The decisions that are made today with regards to town planning and infrastructure development are so crucial to how people will live in this precinct, New Plymouth and Taranaki in the future.
— Ben Hawke, G.J. Gardner Homes and Seaport Land Co. Director
Moturoa businesses and residents LOVE the Ngāmotu Precinct concept. Our community has always embraced industry and I think that’s why this proposal resonates so well. It’s not just about serving one group’s needs, it’s about looking at how we can all win when we work together. And by we I’m not just talking about us loyal Tiger Townies! The economic and social benefits that we could realise with the Ngāmotu Precinct will have real knock on effects for the entire city and province.
— Pip Guthrie, local businesswoman and legendary Tiger Townie
Being so wrapped up in the West End Precinct, people might think I’d be against this development – but quite the opposite. New Plymouth is a city that rises and falls collectively. A fabulous lifestyle precinct where people can live, shop, work, eat, drink and be merry would be a brilliant asset for the entire district, especially our struggling tourism and hospitality industries. I’m not at all surprised there is so much popular support for it. We’ll definitely be toasting its success!
— Daniel Fleming, GM of King and Queen Suites and Chair of the West End Precinct
It’s no secret that for a long time our hapu has longed to be reunited with this piece of whenua. The proposed Ngāmotu Precinct is part of our Turangawaewae. So many of Ngāti Te Whiti’s stories, tūpuna and taonga are connected to this land. For Ngāti Te Whiti the Ngāmotu Precinct could be the once in a generation opportunity for Ngāti Te Whiti to return home.
— Julie Healey, Chair Ngāti Te Whiti Hapu
New Plymouth doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to embracing visionary thinking. Many of our city’s amazing assets —including Pukekura Park and the Coastal Walkway – were deemed to be unachievable or future white elephants when first proposed. I hope that as a more mature city, we can leave that kind of limited and limiting thinking behind. If we can, I predict the Ngāmotu Precinct will be hailed around the world as yet another reason why New Plymouth is such an amazing place to live, visit and do business in.
— Terry Parkes, Nice Hotel
The Ngāmotu Precinct seems to be a logical, natural progression for New Plymouth. We know from developing the Coastal Walkway just how much of a powerful effect changing our built environment can have on our collective psyche. Our best future lies in being outward facing, inclusive and progressive – values that are all cornerstones of the Ngāmotu Precinct development.
— Sam Bennett, Mayoral Candidate, NPDC Councillor
The Ngamotu Precinct have done an amazing amount of work on this project to alleviate concerns held by the neighbouring industries around reverse sensitivity issues. This could be an opportunity for the same industries to partner with Ngati Te whiti and the Ngamotu Precinct to retain and restore a piece of New Plymouth’s iconic achitecture, while securing their own future through diversification. This is a long term project that will provide growth and investment into the district while elevating and providing opportunities for the Motoroa Rohi. A favourable District plan outcome is essential for this project to start gaining real momentum.
— David Bublitz, NPDC Councillor