A place for everyone


Imagine you’re standing at Ngāmotu Domain. Radiating out from you between Port Taranaki and Paritutu to the west and the Lee Breakwater to the east is a vibrant marine precinct, bustling with people, amenities and an eclectic mix of the best New Plymouth has to offer.


Gone are the abandoned buildings and vacant scrubby sections that currently sit neglected. In their place sits a thoughtfully designed, world-class waterfront development that includes mixed residential housing, public recreation amenities, hospitality and retail spaces and existing and new commercial and industrial operations.

That’s the vision at the heart of the proposed Ngāmotu Precinct — a thriving, lively place where people love to live, work and play.

As you walk through the Precinct all your senses will be engaged. You’ll hear gulls calling, children laughing and the distant drone of Port machinery. You’ll be able to smell the salt air while sampling freshly caught seafood at one of the enticing bars, cafés or restaurants that have established themselves in converted character buildings or new premises throughout the Precinct.

Take off your shoes and paddle in the same cool, calm waters the very first European settlers waded through. Stroll along the extended coastal walkway – looking out at the very islands that gave Ngāmotu its name. Visit Ngāti Te Whiti’s new marae and learn about the rich history of mana whenua. Hire a bike or a boat and explore and enjoy the outdoors. Indulge in a spot of retail therapy or let your mind drift as you enjoy a coffee and watch the fascinating daily (and nightly) comings and goings at Port Taranaki.

Warren and Mahoney, the master planning architects behind Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter development and a series of other world-leading urban revitalisation projects, have been working with Seaport Land Company to show how feasible – and amazing – a working port precinct could be.

As well as helping New Plymouth deal with the significant growth predicted over the next 15 years, the Ngāmotu Precinct would also reflect the heritage of the area and the aspirations of the many communities who call it home.

Like the Coastal Walkway before it, the Ngāmotu Precinct would open up and breathe life into a neglected part of our city — complementing rather than competing with the CBD and living in harmony with its neighbours, be they existing enterprises, Moturoa residents or mana whenua.

Thoughtful planning and the use of best practice urban design principles would be used throughout to ensure the precinct is a real draw card for locals and visitors alike – the next, and possibly best, jewel in New Plymouth’s world-class crown.

“New Plymouth has the opportunity to join the increasing number of international cities currently capitalising on the value of their coastal assets by creating multi-use precincts around working Ports and industrial hubs.

Wellington’s CenterPort and Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, Viaduct Harbour and Commercial and Mechanics Bays have all proven that industrial enterprise can comfortably sit alongside residential accommodation, hospitality and retail businesses, and public recreation facilities. It’s time for New Plymouth to prove our provinces can do it just as well – if not better.”

— Rod Marler, Principal, Warren and Mahoney